Our Clubman of the Year represents England in Malta…

🎥 WATCH: Interview with Donald Cleeve courtesy of England Parkinsons Football Team.

Our very own Don Cleeve, recently received his diagnosis of Parkinsons, prior to his planned trip to Malta. Playing international football for England was not on the itinerary.

However, whilst enjoying his well deserved break, he became Yateley United Football Club’s second international player to represent England, following Dawn Perry-Lewis.

Don who plays regularly for our Walking Football Group, ‘bumped’ into the England Parkinsons Football team on a hotel balcony, and having revealed his recent diagnosis was invited to join the team.

In a Step Up for Parkinson’s Voluntary Organisation Walking Football event, Don stepped on the field with his experienced England team, raising awareness and vital funds for Parkinson’s research.

Photos: Courtesy of Step Up for Parkinsons via Facebook

Interested in participating in our Walking Football Group.. email us at walkingfootball@yateleyunitedfc.co.uk